Thursday, June 19, 2008


To my margarita friends:

I have held off from posting since last week, due to superstitions that I may jinx the good news that I am about to announce:

Thanks to you, sisters, and the positive mojo you spread throughout the homestead (and in the ground), we have an offer on our home. WAHOOOOO!!!!! I owe it all to you ladies -- not just the sale of the home, but the wonderful memories you created for me and my kiddos the last night we were together. Bri would not stop saying how cool my friends are -- and I couldn't agree more.

I'm neck-deep in boxes today -- moving day to the semi-permanent spot was yesterday. I have a new phone but am still having trouble finding a signal. Though I have found that if I crawl into the tub in the master bathroom (ha! Master. You should see how big it....isn't) and sit on a pile of towels, I can successfully place a call.

So I'm hoping it'll work today. I'm planning to call in for the Q2 initiative (have y'all changed the name yet?) to thank you for everything. The positive vibes you left at the house, the care package you sent (can I tell you how many items have already come in handy?) and most of all, for the friendships each of you have offered me. I miss you like crazy -- all of you. I don't know how I'm going to deal with not seeing you every day. But the new place is pretty charming, and I'm going to be sure to carve out a little bit of pre-fun for your upcoming visits to see me. :)

Here's to margaritas, mojo and memories. You made it all happen. How can I ever repay?


Unknown said...

We did indeed keep the spirit of the Q2 today! We missed you!

I am SOOOOO THRILLED that you got an offer on the house. I'll keep sending great vibes to speed it on towards closing.

Keep up the posting, it's so great to hear how things are going for you.


Scissor Girl said...

We miss you at the weekly meeting as well as in our humdrum cubicle existence. Congrats on the house offer! Mojo is magnificent.

Trixter said...

Hooray!!! That's fantastic news. I've got my fingers crossed and any other type of mojo I can come up with is being sent your way!

Let us know how you're doing and I promise to blog better and more often!