Monday, August 25, 2008

Back in Session

I just returned from dropping the kids off for their first day of school -- another beginning!!
We had the greatest night last night: Ryan made his special Greek dinner (always a hit), we had a nice bottle of wine, and spent the evening talking about new beginnings.

Both kids are a little nervous about starting at their new school, but somehow talking it out and describing how they'd like for things to go made it a little easier to go to bed, sleep and get up in the morning.

These are the days when I wish I could be right by their side, pushing away the bullies and making school life a little easier for them.

But alas -- it's not to be. I just have to sit back and hope that they've developed the life skills to be resilient. And cross my fingers for them. And push back the tears -- my own.


Unknown said...

I'm sending great vibes to the Olesons today! I'm sure it will all be great.

We sure miss you guys here!

Ours started 3rd grade today (3rd!!). Time does fly.

Unknown said...

Srsly, we must speak soon! do i have your latest email and IM contacts?

I'm going to call you tonight if you're going to be around.

Scissor Girl said...

How did the first day go? You must blog an update, Princess!